    Meny Lukk

    Swarovski ring. Attract Trilogy Round - 5414972

    Attract Trilogy Round Ring, White, Rhodium plating. Symbolizing the past, the present, and the future of eternal love, this stunning ring is imbued with timeless romance. Two clear crystals surround a centerpiece in our new dark blue crystal color in this rhodium-plated design. Exquisitely elegant, it will be treasured forever. A matching necklace and pair of pierced earrings are available. Ring størrelser: 50,52,55,58,60.
    Varenummer: 5414972

    Oppgi siste leveringsdato

    Velg gratulasjonskort  8 x 12 cm, med 2 sider.

    Størrelse 6x7cm

    Hold dine figurer og smykker  blanke og fine, kjøp pusseklut. 

    i h
    Symbolizing the past, the present, and the future of eternal love, this stunning ring is imbued with timeless romance. A trio of clear crystals take center stage in this rhodium-plated design. Exquisitely elegant, it will be treasured forever. A matching necklace and pair of pierced earrings are available.
    Ring størrelser:50,52,55,58,60.
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    siden 1874

    Vi har det største utvalget av ringer i Norge. Våre butikker i Trondheim har eksistert siden 1874 og med det er vi en de mest tradisjonsrike gullsmedene i landet.

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